
Happy Small Business Saturday!

To all of my fellow Thanksgiving celebrators--I hope you had a fashionable & family-filled holiday! I know I did. I decided to stay in Texas for a traditional day of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie (I am a vegetarian; no turkey for me!), with a friend's family. I will be seeing my own family in several weeks, at graduation. It would be too expensive for me to fly out to Montana or California for one weekend. Maybe next year!
In Quintana, TX, with my dog, Biscuit! 

Did anyone shop their hearts out for Black Friday? I only went to ULTA, as I needed to stock up on some much-needed beauty essentials.

What about Small Business Saturday? I've always thought small businesses are the backbone of America, and I'm happy that today marks the second-annual Small Business Saturday. The Saturday after Thanksgiving in the United States, as well as the Saturday after Black Friday, this day is to support the local businesses that make one town different from the next. Anyone can shop Macy's/Nordstrom/insert-big-department-store-name-here any time, in nearly every city or suburb. But what about the local faves? Not so much.

Unfortunately, I have to work a double today, but I did stop at Star Co. Coffee (114 East Main Street; Round Rock) for my morning pick-me-up.

So, to continue this weekend of shopping (don't forget Cyber Monday!), my new favorite JewelMint is offering 50% off of its first month, courtesy of the Austin MBA Team!
My first purchase from JewelMint.

What exactly is JewelMint? An exclusive jewelry club, and the brainchild of Cher Coulter (British fashion designer & celebrity stylist) and Kate Bosworth (American actress), every month members of JewelMint receive a new jewelry piece, which is chosen from their personal preferences and selection. Don't like the jewelry available that month? Members can skip the month, without any charge.

Sounds like a good deal to me! I already have a piece from JewelMint, this ultra-slinkster gold zipper bracelet.
My JewelMint bracelet and Biscuit!

If JewelMint strikes your fancy, all you have to do for your discount is enter austin884 at checkout for 50% off your first month of JewelMint, courtesy of the Austin MBA Team. Happy shopping!

Visit the Mint Brand Ambassador on Facebook


I Spy...A Few of My Favorite Things!

I had my first meeting about graduation today. In a month and five days, I will no longer be an undergrad. The closer it gets, the less stress I feel, but I am still ridiculously over-scheduled within all areas of my life at the moment. 

My blog is suffering from abandonment issues! But updating Bella Vogue doesn't help my productivity level, at least where homework is concerned. At all. To make things worse, I have been plagued with chronic bronchitis for the past several weeks. Talk about terrible timing!  I haven't done a street style post in what feels like forever, so please bear with me as I post a few more photos of the things that I do when I'm not doing everything else. I've also included Chanel's recent nail polish ad--I cannot get over how totes adorbs it is! 

Oh, my, I'm beginning to say things like "totes" and "adorbs"...I'm going to step away from my laptop, and finish my accounting homework. Cheers!

Chanel's Shade Parade.
Blowing bubbles at Co-Lab.
My inner 12-year-old screams with delight when I play Jenga.
My go-to fashion accessories for autumn?
Red cloche (Kohl's) & wayfarer sunglasses (thrifted).
Poker is best when you're gambling with chocolate.
ROYGBIV'n it up with acrylics.
I make breakfast at night.
Video courtesy of Chanel.


This is how we do Halloweekend in Austin.

Hello there, ladies and gents! It feels like decades have passed since my last update. I'm still swamped with school and work, but I decided to have a little break over the last couple days. Since Halloween was last night, I thought I would share my pictures from this spooky weekend with y'all. Did anyone else dress up for the holiday? Please, do share your stories! I have no social life right now, so I need to live vicariously through others' stories and photos. Have a not-so-terrifying Tuesday, folks!  
 Sitting at home, as a Dead Beauty Queen from the early 1900s.
My sash read "Miss Montana". 
 Wolverine, Jules Winnfield, and Jack Twist.
 Black Swan and Bar Wench.
 Allie was a Hooker Mime.
 All that glitters is gold!
From the rooftop of Trinity Music Hall;
Allie and I caught a set from local band Sip Sip.
All content, unless written otherwise, is property of Chelsea Hands.
Use of author's personal photos is strictly forbidden.