TRIBEZA presents sketch
Bows + Arrows, 215 South Lamar
April 26th, 2009
April 26th, 2009
Rachel Elsberry--blog, news, company representative.
Julia Plume--fashion designer, Texas Next Top Fashion Designer.
Rachel Youens--FOX News multimedia blogger, Austin Style Watch blog, Current TV, graduated from UT as a multimedia major. Considers NYLON coming to her “the big break.” Is finally now making money off her blog through online traffic.
Lauren Thumlert--owner of Bows + Arrows. Is decision maker on all items in her store; buys 6 months ahead (2 seasons) of what people can actually wear (ie buys shorts for June in December).
Marques Harper--style writer for the Austin American Statesman.
Jaimey Sloan--stylist, works in LA and Austin, NBC’s Friday Night Lights.
Lauren Ford--TRIBEZA editor-in-chief.
Side Note: All the quotations are direct quotes; everything else is what I gathered from my notes (I am already budgeting in a recorder for next time!) and paraphrased. The photo quality of the panelist just outright sucks 'cuz I did not find my super awesome digital camera until after the event and therefore I used my camera phone.
Personally, I got a lot of insight on what I want to do (fashion publication), and I cannot wait for more events such as this to happen!
What advice do you have for a young person?
Youens: “Do more. Do something.” Read Animal Talk, Sea of Shoes (both blogs). “Make contacts…Blogs take up my entire day, but it’s worth it…the more you know about video, the better.” Also mentioned HTML knowledge to make blog stand out from others.
Thumlert: “Internships.” Read: W, NYLON, blogs.
Ford: “Read about art and history, it’ll make you a better writer and more observant.”
Harper: Read: Vogue, ELLE, WWD. Work for free, as he once did for his first newspaper experience. Style your friends. Take photos. Recommends the Canon Powershot not only for its photo-taking ability but also for filming.
Plume: “Take business classes.”
Is the publication side of the spectrum a good industry:
Harper: "I'm not going to lie to you--it’s hard." Might not be able to write what you want at first, but never let go of your hobbies. You’re still a writer even if you’re not being paid for it.
What events in your life lead to your current position?
Sloan: UT film grad, was working at Waterloo Video when she met a producer’s assistant. Used to stylize a friend and then another friend would take the photos. “Work hard, put best foot forward. Keep yourself open for further possibilities.”
Plume: Couldn’t find stuff she liked that she could afford. Took a few classes (I’m assuming sewing; either she didn’t specify or I didn’t write it down), read books, researched, and took a year-and-a-half to launch her clothing line. Made a point to note that styles are becoming more personable as more people are becoming more DIY (do-it-yourself) and are getting away from mall culture.
A Day in Your Job:
Sloan: For NBC’s Friday Night Lights, she not only has to make the character believable (“what would be in their closet?”), she also has to keep the actors happy (actors portray character by not only personality traits but also aesthetics). In one episode, a character may one day be at the lake, another at the football game. There is a wide spectrum. Working is best “when the clothes talk to you.” Through thrifting, Sloan also makes the characters more believable for the viewers.
Spring Trends:
Harper: “Skinny jeans are going away…Explore vintage…Men clothing is once again appearing with more color: pop the color with a belt or shoe…”
Thumlert: Shorts, rompers.
Sloan: "Streamline what works for you."